“Your Perfect Wardrobe” in 5 easy steps NOW!


Right now, many of us are working from and spending overall more time at home. This is the perfect time to organize your closet, getting ready for summer. You don’t even have to go out shopping to create a new wardrobe of combinations that are tailor-made for you.

You probably also know this feeling, you have a full closet, your wardrobe is almost bursting, but you feel you have nothing to wear? Many people have this problem, and I had it many many years ago too … but I can show you how to put together a wardrobe that works in 5 easy steps.

Most people are wearing 20 % of their clothes 80% of their time and still feel to have nothing to wear. Not the quantity, but a good selection is key. With fewer, but the right pieces in your wardrobe, you will have so many more combination options. 

Don’t worry, I do not mean that you should wipe out your closet and give every piece away, but I want to encourage you to choose focused what to keep and complement it with special pieces of clothing that 100 % make sense for your needs.

Tipp: Check your closet once a year to get the overall picture of what you have, what needs to go, what should stay, also what maybe needs to be altered, and what you need to look for when you go shopping next time … to be able to combine beautifully and highlight your authentic style.

Wardrobe Inspection - I promise this will be fun for you

Go in your walk-in-closet and imagine you do not know it, it is a boutique that you visit for the first time. Which overall impression do you get when you quickly look in your wardrobe? Is it neatly arranged and well organized - well that’s great. But just in case you feel it is crowded, unorganized according to the colors, simply boring and not inviting to come in and browse and get new ideas about mixing and matching, then it’s a sign that your wardrobe is not put together optimally! So let’s start to change that together …

STEP 1: Cleaning out your wardrobe 

Plan 1 to 1.5 hours and create some space to do your wardrobe inspection. (Maybe you can ask a friend who will give you honest feedback, but you can do this by yourself). It works best if you take out every single piece and put it on the bed or floor in the meantime so that your closet is completely empty. Now, take out every single piece and ask yourself - in front of a mirror:

• Is this a perfect color for me - is it in MY color range? Y/N

• Is it my cut and my style - also the pattern is my style? Y/N

• Does this need to be altered? or just cleaned? Y/N

• Is this piece of clothing my current size? (best try it on) Y/N

• Have I worn this in the last 1 to 1.5 years? Y/N

Divide into 3 stacks, 1 for clothes that are perfect for you (your color + style), 1 for clothes that need to go, and 1 for clothes that need to be cleaned or altered. 

If the answer is NO or you haven’t worn the pics in a long time, give it away. It will be a relief. An exception would be an evening dress, but be radical. The chances are very low that you will ever wear an evening gown you haven’t worn the past 18 months. When an invitation comes up, you will be more likely buy a new outfit.

There is not one single occasion on this planet to look bad! 
My grandma was so right. Therefore, discharge every unflattering piece of clothing. Period.


Here is a helpful trick:

When you are having problems giving away the clothes you have sorted out, put them in a suitcase or another closet in the basement. When you do not even think about pieces of clothing for 6 months, you can give them away with a good conscience, or bring them to a consignment store and make a bit of money with it. I did this for many years and I never, ever missed a single piece and I never went down to take something back that I have sorted out this way!

One word to hoarders: If you have just too many duplicates … 15 navy blue shirts are simply too much. And let’s be honest, I am sure you are always wearing your favorite 2 or 3 ones. It will simplify your life and give you peace of mind to have the very best pieces of your favorite clothes. Also, accessories, shoes, belts, scarves in the wrong colors should be given away. You will see, simplicity is the key!

STEP 2: Put your good pieces back in the closet

Now start putting back every piece of your wardrobe that is fine according to your, color, cut, style, and fit. This time organize them in groups and color-wise - from white or cream on the left to yellow, green, brown, etc. to black on the right side - in each group. 

Make sure that all hangers are hanging in the same direction in your closet.  

If possible, also line up your handbags and shoes color-wise, so that every single piece you own is visible. Also, put all your scarfs and pashmina’s in a shelf on top of each other or get a scarf organizer where you can store them hanging. The same for belts, so that you can see everything when combining. 

Now you can add the few pieces that are not 100% your color, but you feel you just need them, like your pair of black pants or a dark grey basic skirt. Important is that you are rigorous with your tops, everything you are wearing close to your face should be in your perfect colors only.

Organize each group color-wise (from white to black)

Organize each group color-wise (from white to black)

STEP 3: Organize everything in groups

• Tops

• Blazers, Jackets

• Cardigans

• Pants

• Skirts

• Dresses, etc.

Each group color-wise - from white or cream on the left to yellow, green, brown, etc. to black on the right side. Also organize Scarves, Belts, and Bags and make sure every piece is visible. You wear what you see!


STEP 4: Make a Shopping List

  • Make a wardrobe list to see the items you have in your personal colors.

  • Write it down and begin with the basics, jackets, skirts, pants, dresses. This will help you to easily find out, what is missing.

  • Write down what you really need to create combinations.

  • Also, do not forget to think about underwear for your outfits. Maybe you need special underwear like Spanx or a low-cut-bra for a special evening dress.

STEP 5: Create your Personal Look-Book

What I love to do when I come home with a new piece of clothing is, I mix and match it with the pieces I already have. I always make sure when I consider buying some new piece, that it will have at least 3 friends in my closet. When bring home a new blouse, I take out pants, belts, scarves put it on my bed and create a couple of complete outfit combinations that I like to take pictures of. With this method, you can create your own Look-Book on your mobile phone or even print the looks out. You will make quick decisions in the morning even when you are in a hurry and don’t have to think long about combinations.

Make sure you have your shopping list with your needs with you … and also photos of your wardrobe, your “look-book”. It is much better to plan and watch out for pieces you truly need and buy a better-quality piece than to do impulsive purchases, they sum up and become very costly in the long run. 

When you are looking for a blouse to combine it with e.g. a special skirt, have a picture of the skirt (taken in good daylight) on your mobile phone. Sometimes it is hard to remember all the colors of your clothes at home - this will help you to decide if newly discovered pieces will indeed fit as combination partners to your wardrobe. 


I promise, when you are organizing your wardrobe this way - you will always have an overview and it is easy to update your looks from year to year and sometimes it only takes one new scarf or another piece of accessory to create a completely new look.

All the best,

PS: For more information about how to organize your wardrobe, shop wisely or analyze your color season and personality style download my ebook or check out my online course on Udemy.


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