Color of the Year 2017

Pantone introduced the Color of the year 2017, perfectly described:
“Greenery is a fresh and zesty yellow-green shade that evokes the first days of spring when nature’s greens revive, restore and renew. Illustrative of flourishing foliage and the lushness of the great outdoors, the fortifying attributes of Greenery signals consumers to take a deep breath, oxygenate and reinvigorate.

Greenery is nature’s neutral. The more submerged people are in modern life, the greater their innate craving to immerse themselves in the physical beauty and inherent unity of the natural world. This shift is reflected by the proliferation of all things expressive of Greenery in daily lives through urban planning, architecture, lifestyle, and design choices globally...." -by Pantone

All of you interested in colors know that this is not an easy hue for some to wear. Most Spring and Autumn types will look gorgeous in the new color Greenery. For people with cool skin undertone – such as Summer or Winter Types – it can give them an uneven skin tone, and make them look pale.

Summer type with cool tones (left) vs. warm colors (on the right).

Summer type with cool tones (left) vs. warm colors (on the right).

What makes a Color YOUR Color?

A person’s color type is determined by Skin, Eye, and Hair color. The skin tone is the most important factor in determining the color season. The basis undertone is genetically pre-determined because hemoglobin (the color of the blood) influences whether we have cool or warm-toned skin. It is also genetically influenced by which amount of carotene will be saved from our nutrition. We all have both, but one is predominant. The “right” color smoothes your complexion, gives you a healthy look, minimizes lines and makes your eyes sparkle. The “wrong” color causes exactly the opposite. The good news: The pigmentation lasts our whole lifetime. Even though our skin may get a suntan and become darker, our unique color type does not change!

The mixing ratio matters: Cool colors are mixed with blue. Colors become warm due to a mixture with yellow and red, respectively through both of these shades. Therefore, it is possible to create a warm blue tone or a very cool red color.

Springs and Autumns will love to add the yellow-green color to their wardrobe. Even if Greenery is not your favorite for a complete outfit, try to bring it in as accents for a fresh start into the new year!

Accessorizing does the trick.

Accessorizing does the trick.

Can you imagine accessorizing with a belt, a scarf, a purse, cool sunglasses, etc...? Or maybe just bring the new color into your home with some interior design pieces? 

Do you know your Personal Color Season?

Here’s how you can find out:

Happy New Year to you and let’s green it out!

All the best,



Do different Colors affect your mood?